DC Tango Challenge
Have fun participating at this thrilling tango competition, and take your tango to the next level.
Friday, February 07, 2025
This Tango competition is another great way to play with this dance. Traditional, Salon, Vals, Milonga…you pick. Like stage tango? Enter on Showdance. Non traditional? Tango Nuevo. No partner? Enter on Jack & Jill. “Open Tango Salon Scholarship” will award the winner couple with 30% of the total accumulated fees for this competition.
The DC Tango Challenge has the goal to motivate dancers to continue improving their Argentine Tango dance in all areas, and offers many options to entertain any type of tango dancer. It consists of a set of competitive amateur, pro/am and open events, open to all dancers to participate. The participants can choose to compete in single dances competition such as Tango Salon/de Pista, Vals, Milonga, Tango Nuevo, & Tango Showdance. The competitors can choose to compete also in a 3-Dance Challenge, Tango Salon/de Pista Scholarship and “Jack & Jill” Tango events.
DCTC Schedule:
6:45PM – Doors Open.
6:45-7:25PM – Warm -ups.
7:30PM – Pro/AM, & Amateur Single Dances.
7:35PM – Pro/AM, & Amateur Tango Showdance.
7:55PM – 3 Dance Scholarship Salon, Vals & Milonga.
8:10PM – Argentine Open Tango Salon/de Pista Scholarship.
8:30PM to 12:30AM – “Welcome Milonga” with DJ Eduardo Goytia.
Admission tickets to Friday “Welcome” Milonga and Dance Entry will be required for the competitors.
How to Register to Compete?
Read the rules, print the entry form, the release form, and send them with a check to Forever Dancing LLC , with the corresponding amount of your entries and admission (all competitors need admission for Friday) to Forever Dancing Ballroom, 5818 Seminary Rd. , Falls Church, VA, 22041, Suite B.
Rules & Registration Forms:
DCTW Competitive Events Dancing Rules (Click Here!)
DC Tango Challenge Entry Form (Click Here!)
DC Tango Weekend Release Agreement Form (Click Here!)
DCTC Accounting Summary Form (Click Here!)
To complete Enrollment please read “Rules & Guidelines”, print “Entry Form & Release Agreement” and “Accounting Summary Form”. Fill them out, and send to Forever Dancing Ballroom, 5818 Seminary Rd. Suite B, Falls Church, VA, 22041 , with a check written to Forever Dancing LLC.
You will receive a confirmation E-mail once we process your registration.
Entry Fees:
(Passes with Workshops and Milongas are discounted for all competitors)
Single Dance (per couple) $40
Jack and Jill (per single competitor) $40
3 Dances Challenge (per couple) $80
Tango Scholarship $150 (3 Dance or Tango Salon/per couple)
Showdance Tango $90 (per couple)
Formation $90 (one fee for all team participating)
Previous Tango Competition Results (Click Here!)
Friday Competition and Milonga Admission for competitors
only $25 Until 01/31/2025 or $30 after 01/31/2025.
Click on the Flier Below, Print or Share with some friends to invite them to play with us.
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1- Is it possible for a couple to compete to 3 different Tango Nuevo songs?
Yes. In single dances competition, regardless if it is Tango Salon, Milonga, Vals or Nuevo. The couples participating on the single dance heat will dance for 90 seconds approximately. Each couple competing can repeat enrollment up to 3 times for the same level and age group, and often do this to have an opportunity to play more times. Have in mind that a repeated enrollment for the same level and age group will, often, get less competition.
Other opportunities to dance more times in a more competitive way would be challeging the younger age groups, or testing your skills to higher levels. And those could also be repeated up to 3 times.
2-When competing can we choose the music I dance to ?
No, the music is randomly chosen by the music director, except if you are competing in tango show. In this case the couple is dancing solo for a maximum of 210 seconds (3.5 Minutes). All music should be submited ahead of time to the organizer after participation fees are collected.
3- Can I compete dancing Milonga as a single dance contested and dance it again as uncontested to receive a score from the judges?
Yes, you can dance the same dance, age and level competition as a contested competitor and, or as uncontested competitor. Have in mind that at DC Tango Challenge unique scoring system the contested competitors also wilCan I dance l receive scoring, just like the uncontested competitors. The difference is how the judges scores are processed…. in contested competition the scores of the couples are compared to other couples competing in the same level and age group to define their finalist placements (1st , 2nd and 3rd places ), where uncontested competitors will receive placement based on a scoring threshold score 94 and above – 1st place, scores 89-94- 2nd Place, and below 89 – Third Place without any comparison with other competitor scores.
4- As a Professional, can I dance with different students?
Yes, in pro-am competition, the age group and levels are defined by the amateur. Because you can repeat level and age groups on single dances, you will have the freedom to enroll students of the same level and age group to the competition also, besides the students with different levels and age groups. However, for multidance (T,V,M) and Tango scholarships (T,T,T) you will be restricted to one student since all levels, and ages are combined in only one heat with 3 songs played on its entirely.
5- Can I pay with Credit Card?
Yes, please add 5% processing fee to the total. You can pay by phone in this matter after emailing all forms.